
Is it worth it?

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Is it cheaper to higher somebody to mow your lawn?

That depends on your situation. But in some cases I do have to say the answer is yes. I’m going to walk you though the two extremes and I know most people are in the middle somewhere. But, at least it will give you an idea of what you might want to do.

Extreme 1 – You get the easiest and most efficient way of doing it yourself.

Riding lawn mower – just under 1000-dollars
Shed to put it in – Just over 1000-dollars

That is about 2000-dollars already not including weed eater and other equipment.

Now lets compare that to an Econo service. Lets say you have an average size yard where the cost in only 25-dollars each time. Lets say the lawn gets mowed every 2 weeks. That would be about 17 times give or take a little by the end of the year. 17 X 25 = 425. So far it would take almost 5 years to pay for the equipment alone. That doesn’t include time or anything else.

Extreme 2 – You detail your yard with cheap equipment.

Detailing your yard often times takes 2-3 hours per week. How much free time do you have? And how much money do you earn when you work? It all matters when deciding what this is worth to you. Lets compare this to the deluxe service. It’s probably going to take me much less time to do the same job. So my price for your 2-3 hours might be 40 to 50-dollars.